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About kraft paper packaging bags you must know

Views: 5     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-01-23      Origin: Site

When it comes to ordering a kraft paper packaging bag, you need set your target first. This is essential for you to choose the right materials, print design and finish afterwards. Surely you won’t pick the plain kraft paper materials while you want to promote your brand if you own a fancy fashion clothing boutique.

To know your target, just ask yourself this simple question. What funtions would you like the paper bags perform for you?

The paper bag usually has two primary funtions, carrying and marketing. Paper bag help customers carry items easily and conveniently. Also it is a great marketing tool for business owners to increase their brand recognition, which opens new window to oppurtunities.

So which one is your priority?

If you just want to make your customers carry the products easily, it is the strength and durablity that you need focus. It would really be a shame if the wine bottle falls out of the bag and breaks just because the bag is not strong enough. Usually a plain kraft bag would be ok.

However, things will be quite different if you need a high impact paper bag to promote your brand and leave consumers a deep impression. You need take all factors into consideration, including handicraft details, paper materials, rope handles, print design as well the finishes. A little mistake can have a disastrous effect.

We can supply varies of paper bags that you need, welcome to consult us via info@finepackage.com.



 info@finepackage.com
 410-no.1 zhihui road, huishan area, wuxi city, jiangsu province, China

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