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Aluminum foil bag you need know

Views: 8     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-08-26      Origin: Site

Aluminum foil bag is a kind of composite type bag, which usually has a three-tier structure. PE pet aluminum foil, which is commonly used as a foil bag structure.

Bags fit into two primary firmness which are fit firmness and hot air. The bag because the selection is not the same so strong not the same degree. The primary distinction is the way at the edge aligned with Shredded bag, if it is difficult to tear clarify sealing firmness good. Otherwise, that is not good.

Aluminum foil bags appearance of regularity: first survey stiffness of the bag, is not giving the feeling of wrinkled, usually flatness higher the better, but because they do not demand the same outer material selection, such as nylon and high-pressure composite membrane made of the bag, sealing the bag at will wavy; also need to investigate the bag trimming is not structured, the more regular the better.

Meanwhile, food hygiene and safety standards, export can export inspection report purchased aluminum foil bags to clear sign a good contract and technical quality standards, how concerned do not come to the meeting. Is there a recall system. Do not believe the absolute low prices, it's more just a stuck.



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