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Benefits of Printed Roll Stock Film

Views: 9     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-01-18      Origin: Site

One of our favorite product applications for bakery and snack food products is flexible printed roll stock film.

Roll stock film is great for increasing product efficiencies, locking in freshness and increasing your product’s shelf life while providing a visually appealing package. Printing on roll stock is simple and cost effective. CFP has a team of graphic designers who can create eye-catching package imagery that can be easily reproduced for your application.

Additionally, printed roll stock lends itself well to the popular reclosable packaging that includes zip locks. Reclosable packaging is beneficial to the buyer, particularly for snack foods that aren’t consumed in one sitting. Having the ability to close the package and maintain freshness is a key selling point in the mind of your customer.

We are food packaging bags manufacturer in China, welcome to contact us via info@finepackage.com.



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 410-no.1 zhihui road, huishan area, wuxi city, jiangsu province, China

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