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Benefits of aluminum foil stand up pouches

Views: 15     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-11-25      Origin: Site

Aluminum foil stand up pouch is used as the innermost layers of packaging. It’s very important for aluminum foil stand up pouch to be of top quality and extremely hygienic since it is in direct contact with the packaged product. Generally, aluminum foil stand up pouches are made out of aluminum and protect the product from extreme temperatures. They maintain a low rate of moisture vapor transmission.

Aluminum foil stand up pouches are extensively used for packaging of cereals. They are so designed that cereals retain their freshness for long periods.

Aluminum foil stand up pouches are also widely used as packaging for tea and coffee. They ensure the beverages stay fresh and retain their aroma.

We also provide other aluminum foil bags, custom printed mylar bags, ziplock foil bags and so on. Please feel free to contact us if you need these bags.



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