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Dried fruit packaging you need know

Views: 5     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-07-05      Origin: Site

Stand up pouch dried fruit packaging provides several options to get the dried fruit packaging using stand bags attention of shoppers. First, as the name suggests, stand up bags do, in fact, stand up. However, hang holes are also available to allow for an eye catching hanging display.

With wide front and back panels, stand up pouch dried fruit packaging is ideal for affixing labels or for custom printing in up to ten colors. The marketing information can even be combined with see-through windows which enable the consumer to see just how beautiful the fruit is.

Not only does this type of dried fruit packaging provide maximum content protection, it offers maximum convenience as well. Available tear notches make for easy opening. Zip lock closures ensure simple and effective storage, preserving freshness and extending shelf life.

Stand up pouch with zipper take up very little space in shipping, requiring no extra packaging such as exterior cartons, for example. Better yet, stand up bags are




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