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You are here: Home » News » Company News » Let’s break down the various ways to fill spouted stand up pouches

Let’s break down the various ways to fill spouted stand up pouches

Views: 5     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-10-09      Origin: Site

We can supply spout bags packaging with the cap separate or removed. This will allow you to fill the pouch with your product through the spout, and torque down the cap to reclose.

The stand up pouch with spout can come to you with the pour spout and cap intact. There will be a void (opening) in the top of the pouch itself, then you add your product through the void and heat seal it shut.

We can create a larger void in the side of the plastic stand up pouch for you to fill and heat seal. This is the ideal solution for liquid packaging that has a unique shape or a smaller pour spout.

spout bags packaging



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