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The 3 P's Of Custom Printed Coffee Packaging

Views: 4     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-09-11      Origin: Site

The first thing your bags need to do is protect your coffee. Whether that coffee is whole bean, flavored, or ground, protection is the key.   Many companies feel the best protection is using a custom printed mylar bags

Printed packaging needs to promote your brand and your company.Often a company will start out using stock coffee bags or even stock stand up pouches and apply a label but soon they will realize that nothing compares to custom printing. 

Finally, your printed Coffee packaging bags must lead to sales, must encourage consumers and retailers to try and purchase your product!   Remember, you have one chance to make an impression on a store shelf and if your coffee bags are slouched over, not printed nicely and /or look un-appealing with a crooked label or one with a big air bubble, you could lose out on a potential customer.   

custom printed mylar bags



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