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Tobacco bag is precise packaging

Views: 9     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2016-08-19      Origin: Site

Tobacco is processed from dried plant of the genus Nicotiana leaf product. The product made from the leaves is used in cigarettes, cigars, snuff and pipe tobacco. It needs to be packaged in superior quality cigar packaging bags.

FINE PACKAGING China is one of the leading manufacturers, exporters, wholesaler and suppliers of wide range of tobacco bags. Our tobacco pouches are amongst the highly reliable and durable packaging materials for various tobacco products and they are able to provide excellent strength, moisture resistant and a long lasting shelf life of the products.

We ensure that our tobacco bags are produced with supreme quality materials in strict compliance with international quality standards and norms; hence enhancing the durability and reliability of tobacco packaging. We always try our best to fulfill the required need of different brands.



 info@finepackage.com
 410-no.1 zhihui road, huishan area, wuxi city, jiangsu province, China

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