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Why aluminum foil bag leak?

Views: 6     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2016-10-09      Origin: Site

Aluminum foil bags for all kinds of meat vacuum, resistant to cooking, boiling, freezing, sterilization preservation, and packaging, with anti-UV rays, light, heat insulation effect.
However, what causes it leak? Here I summarize 5 reasons for the leak which was caused by the following factors:
1. Aluminum foil bags of irregular shape, easily susceptible to damage external things.
2. Because of varying quality, uneven thickness, so that foil bags vulnerable to damage, resulting in leakage.
3. During vacuum pumping, caused by prolonged pumping excessive damage to the foil pouch.
4, aluminum foil pouch protruding parts improper stretching, holes appear, resulting in leakage.
5. In the transport process, squeeze the folded foil bag is too long, resulting in leakage.
Quality aluminum foil bag, looking for bags exclusive foil bag factory Fine Packaging, better tailored to meet the requirements!



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