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Cooking in vacuum packaging pouch

Views: 8     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-08-17      Origin: Site

Believe it or not, one of the great advantages of food grade vacuum bag your food for storage is that you can take it directly from the refrigerator or freezer to cooking directly in the bag.

Simmer: Safe to cook at low temperatures (below 180 degrees F) for up to 4 hours

Simmering in a water bath at low temperatures is also known as sous vide cooking. Although the technique has been around for centuries, it has only began to gain popularity in the US over the last decade or so. Prepare and season your food, vacuum seal and then toss in water bath for desired cooking time and temperature.

Boil: Safe to cook at high temperatures (above 180 degrees F) for up to 20 minutes

Boiling in embossed vacuum bag is a great way to reheat food. If you have stored leftovers or done meal prep, this is an easy way to have a cooked meal in a short amount of time. And did we mention, the clean-up is easy too!

Microwave: Safe to cook when bag is punctured up to 10 minutes

food grade vacuum bag



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