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How to identify the food vacuum bag standards?

Views: 12     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-04-04      Origin: Site

First, observe from the closeness of the seal. If there are some tiny seams in the seal, this is judged to be an unqualified product.

Secondly, from the visual appearance, visually inspect the surface of the composite food vacuum bag for signs of scratches and pinholes. Key Points Check the seal for contamination. Can not be immediately determined by visual inspection, a slight neglect is the reason for the formation of future erosion. Look at this seal and use a dye-added surface active agent sprayed on the seal to see if it passes through or not, to determine the seal adhesion.

The final test is the seal strength test. The seal of the composite vacuum retort pouch will be inspected and cut into 15mm wide strips. The strength of the seal is measured at a rate of 300±20mm/min using an all-round material tester. Usually, the strength of the composite bag seal should reach 2334N. /15mm.

vacuum retort pouch.jpg



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