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Two Steps To Fresher Coffee

Views: 6     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-05-17      Origin: Site

Freshness is one of the biggest benefits of pouched coffee--one which becomes especially important with premium product. Coffee loses freshness through exposure to oxygen after ingestion. Such vulnerability is inevitable for K cups, but additionally have two approaches to reduce it.

The first is by simply packaging coffee beans while they are still hot out of the roaster. Otherwise, the roaster would have to let the beans sit and cool in the open, which might greatly increase oxygen exposure. The challenge is that warm legumes emit carbon dioxide and other gases while they cool, in a rate that might lead to sealed coffee packaging bags to swell or perhaps burst. Pouches can adapt it by integrating a coffee bags with valve which enables internal pollutants to escape while keeping oxygen out.

The second is by way of gas flushing. Pouch-packing machinery is available, that fill the pouch's headspace with nitrogen in the point of packing. The greatest such systems reduce the level of oxygen from the headspace to less than 2 percent . Oxygen analyzers are often employed in conjunction with gas-flush fillers: either benchtop versions that may be utilized to test arbitrary bundles, or in-line ones which continuously monitor oxygen levels as part of the packaging system.

coffee bags with valve



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