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9 kinds of plastic packaging Tips

Views: 11     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2016-03-16      Origin: Site

How much do you know plastic packaging related knowledge? You know these packages free it? Let me share some for you.

1. Aseptic packaging: the sterilized food packaged in a sterile environment and sterilized in a closed container treated so that it does not add preservatives to give a longer shelf life without refrigeration conditions.

2. Cooking bags: a flexible composite material containing food bags, food packaging bag for a short time after sterilization in an autoclave, before eating the bag in boiling water can be heated.

3. Transparent packaging: transparent packaging material can be seen by all or part of the contents of the package.

4. Shrink packaging: shrink-wrapping the product or packaging, and then heated to shrink the film gripping the product or packaging of a packaging method.

5. Vacuum packaging: the product into airtight containers, removing air inside the container, so to achieve a predetermined degree of vacuum in the container after sealing a packaging method.

6. Inflatable packaging: the product into airtight packaging container, a packaging container of the original method of air replaced with nitrogen, carbon dioxide and other gases.

7. Frozen Packing: freeze-resistant packaging material resistant to moisture and deep-frozen technology to freeze the contents can be stored for a long time under refrigeration packaging.

8. Plastic zipper bag: when filling in the contents or remove, through the opening of ribs and grooves can be repeatedly sealed, opened the plastic bag.

9. Spout pouches: by giving bags (usually stand-up pouches) installation of a capped high-pressure polyethylene (HDPE) hard mouth. According to the installation location is different, can be divided into vertical and oblique mouth mount mount.



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