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You are here: Home » News » Company News » Aluminum foil bag for dried fruit

Aluminum foil bag for dried fruit

Views: 3     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-03-23      Origin: Site

Aluminum foil bag is working for most of packaging applications. FINE is doing it for dried fruit packaging. The bag has three layers structure PET/AL/PE that is a high barrier material working excellent for the dried food to prevent get moisture. This is a simple center sealed bag.

It is an eight color printing on it that reproduce the graphics precisely. With a foil look finish, it looks just high class to outshine on the shelf and draws more attentions.

We promise that company branding and nutritional information about the product are efficiently displayed on these customized bags.



 info@finepackage.com
 410-no.1 zhihui road, huishan area, wuxi city, jiangsu province, China

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