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Coffee bag - everything for Coffee

Views: 3     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2016-08-31      Origin: Site

The specialty coffee market is one of the markets most influenced by the advancements in packaging. Barrier materials and accessories have created so many options that freshly roasted coffee beans can be enjoyed by consumers as if they came straight from the roaster.
The problem was that if the beans were placed in a hermetically sealed environment, the package had a tendency to burst due to the internal pressure of the excess gases. To solve this problem, a package had to be created that allowed the gas inside the bag to escape without letting outside oxygen in. Thus, the degassing valve was invented. This small device, when applied to a foil bag or pouch, will allow freshly roasted coffee to be packaged almost immediately after roasting and will keep the product safely away from the degenerative effects of oxygen, light, and moisture. This innovation in coffee packaging has proven industry changing and is now being used worldwide.
Our dynamic sealing technology delivers additional benefits such as the ability to seal through contaminates, a wide heat seal window, low seal initiation temperatures and exceptional hot tack properties.
FINE - a coffee bag manufacturer, have done this research for many years. Welcome to consult us at your any time.



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 410-no.1 zhihui road, huishan area, wuxi city, jiangsu province, China

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