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How much you know stand up pouches?

Views: 5     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-05-05      Origin: Site

Those who are in the packaging world for a long time are aware that stand up pouches are a relative newcomer. At the same time, they are quick to point out that this relative newcomer offers manufacturers more possibilities in marketing than traditional methods. Stand up pouches are made from several layers of aluminum and plastic. They offer a large surface area for advanced rotogravure printing – a printing technique which offers crisp, bold, and vibrant colors that immediately capture the attention of consumers.

Custom ziplock bags make things easier not only for manufacturers and sellers, but for end consumers as well. These pouches are a big boon to end-users or customers. Accessories like zip locks make these pouches resealable – which is a big selling point in itself. With custom printed zip lock pouches, a customer does not have to worry about storing half consumed products; they can reseal the package safely until next use. Modern customers appreciate this usability. They do not want to buy frozen vegetables in a packaging, and then hunt for another storage medium after they have opened the packet. Stand up pouches offer a clean way out – use what you need, and seal the package with a zip lock.



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