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Key Points of Packaging Design

Views: 9     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-11-15      Origin: Site

Generally, each product has its own special packaging such as Liquid Stand Up Spout Pouch, such as large packaging and small packaging for easy handling. At this time, we will be based on the product and the way of transport to design the most suitable product packaging, we often called this behavior "packaging shape design."

Generally, we will divide the packaging into the following types according to the form:

1 Individual Packaging

This type of packaging such as Shooting Table Folded is typically used for each product individually. In order not to damage the value of goods, materials that are compatible with the product or that can withstand long periods of transport are generally used.

Inner Packaging

The inner packing is a kind of packing inside the goods. This kind of packing should consider the article to water, humidity, light, heat, impact and so on each aspect again chooses the material, at the same time should consider the material which can withstand the long time transports undertakes packing again the design.

3 Outer Packaging

External packaging such as Camera Slider China refers to the external packaging of the goods, for example, the goods may be put into boxes, bags, cylinders and other containers. If there is no container, the goods will be marked on the surface of the packaging goods, which is usually referred to as secondary packaging.

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