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What Do Small Bags of Food Contain?

Views: 53     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-11-30      Origin: Site

Pet Food Packaging, Custom Printed Mylar Bags others packaging often have a small paper bag or plastic ball, containing powder or granular things, little sister was full of infinite curiosity about this small bag, but did not dare to open it. What on earth are these little bags filled with? Why not?

Pet Food Packaging

1, small bags are generally filled with food deoxidizer or desiccant, is conducive to maintaining the quality of food.

2, iron agent is the most commonly used deoxidizer, cheap and easy to use. In order to help iron agent oxygen absorption, often supplemented by water absorbent, salt and activated carbon, diatomaceous earth and so on.

3, commonly used desiccant lime, calcium chloride, silica gel, montmorillonite and so on.

4, food packaging in the desiccant may contain quicklime, do not let the children to play.

We are Aluminium foil bag supplier. If you have demand about our products, welcome to contact us.



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