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Significant Vacuum-known Major Features

Views: 4     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2016-10-28      Origin: Site

Currently the use of the vacuum packaging pouch is extremely broad, especially in food production which, you know there is a vacuum bag which features several notable it? It is because of the vacuum bag compared to other notable features include it created its wide application in the packaging sector, its notable features include:

1.High barrier: the use of different plastics materials related to different barrier properties, co-extruded film, to oxygen, water, carbon dioxide, odor barrier effect.

2.Powerful: oil, resistant to moisture, resistant to 120 degrees Celsius temperature cooking, low temperature refrigeration, durability, preservation, security smell, can be used for vacuum packaging, aseptic packaging, inflatable packaging.

3. Structural design flexibility: different design, you can meet your needs for different shelf life.

Advantages of vacuum packaging products to meet the needs of people living among packaging, FINE conform packaging market development, build quality and cheap vacuum packaging pouch.



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