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Some new things about pet food packaging bags

Views: 5     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2016-11-10      Origin: Site

I want to share some news about pet food packaging bags. I hope that you are pleasured after reading this article.

Once upon a time, if you were shopping for pet food, you'd immediately be overwhelmed by a case of "cute overload." It seemed every bag (with the exception of the always clinical Science Diet brand) featured a photo of a ridiculously adorable pooch or pussycat, looking out at you with soft, adoring eyes and fur you wanted to reach out and stroke. Even the most cold-hearted of individuals would find themselves crooning "Awww!" when walking down the pet food aisle.

The problem with those packages was that there was no differentiation-and more importantly, no real information-on the bags. But over the years, pet food marketers have come to recognize that people are trained to shop a certain way for their own food and they apply these same behaviors when shopping for their pets. That means that the same visual and verbal cues are turning up on Casey the Calico's and Dexter the Doberman's dinners.

A deep dive into the current state of pet food packaging shows that there's really not much difference between marketing pet food and human food today. Among some of the most significant cues-which also turn up on the food humans purchase-are these five nutritional tables or food pyramids; photography and food styling that conveys appetite appeal and freshness of ingredients; brand stories; on-pack language that tells you not only what's inside, but what's not inside a bag; and imagery that speaks to animals' true natures.



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