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The uses of aluminum foil bag

Views: 4     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-06-09      Origin: Site

From the name, aluminum foil bags are not plastic bags, which are better than the general plastic bags. What kind of bag should you choose when you want to refrigerate or pack food now, while keeping the shelf life as long as possible? You will be not headache to choose kinds of bag, aluminum foil bag is the best choice.

Common aluminum foil bags, their surface will generally have luster characteristics, they refer to it does not absorb light, and to take multi-layer production. Therefore, aluminum foil bags are both good shading and have a strong isolation. Because of the composition of aluminum in it, it also has good resistance to oil and softness.

Now, with the manufacture and sale of fake things continue to be exposed, especially the plastic bag security incidents, people first concern is not the function of the bag, but its security. But consumers can rest assured that the aluminum foil bag is not toxic nor special smell. It is absolutely green products, environmentally friendly products, but also in line with the national health standards of aluminum foil bags, which including stand up pouch with zipper.



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