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Which kinds of bags are more popular?

Views: 4     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2016-03-25      Origin: Site

Not too long ago, pouch products were curious standouts among the plentiful juice boxes of the food packaging industry. But from soups to sauces, stand-up zipper pouch has been gaining significant traction over rigid packaging formats like cans, bottles, and boxes in recent years. Have you considered switching to pouch packaging for your products? If not, you may want to think again – there are actually several compelling reasons to make the switch:

1. Supply Chain Cost Savings – Flexible and pliable pouch packages are more easily packed and shipped than cans or bottles, with less space wasted between them and less chance of damage during shipment, allowing producer to easily move more units per shipment than would be possible using a different packaging format.

2. Transportation Resilience – Transporting product isn’t always a smooth ride.

3. Retail Appeal – Stand up pouch packaging allows branding measures like logos and colors to be front and center with plenty of room to stand out, making them look great on shelves.

4. Retail Cost Savings – Just as pouch packaging equates to cost savings for producers, it also translates to cost savings for consumers as well. As producers are able to drive down transportation and materials costs, those savings can ideally be passed down to consumers.

5. Consumer Convenience – Due to its versatility, stand up pouch packaging opens up a wealth of new application options.



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