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Why do we prefer to vacuum packaging pouch?

Views: 6     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2016-05-14      Origin: Site

If you ask me about the choice of the bag, which varieties of bags? So, I will solemnly assure you recommend vacuum bag.

First, there is a good "gas barrier properties". We know that, especially food items, particularly afraid of oxygen, because oxygen is an important basis for the survival of many organisms, but also bacterial organisms. Some bacteria are capable of extensive breeding in the case of oxygen, food and other items to never jeopardize quality . However, vacuum-packed bags, as the name implies, the bag must be in a vacuum or near vacuum state, and therefore, can play a very good "trap action". In fact, vacuum packaging pouch can not only play the role of oxygen barrier can also cut carbon dioxide and other gases.

Second, the use of safety vacuum bags. Vacuum-packed bag with "green" production concept, the production process does not add adhesives and other chemicals, are green products.



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