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Why windowed stand up pouches are popular?

Views: 20     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-06-28      Origin: Site

There are many dried fruit packaging in market. When considering a purchase, as consumers we scan with our eyes, then our emotions kick in, and lastly we consider the budget. Marketing experts have long known that if a product looks good and it makes the customer feel good, the budget is often out the window.

The most popular windowed stand up pouches are designed with a horizontal viewing window (there may be a few of the oval windows still around), and the full view window pouch which has kraft paper on one side and clear on the other.

One of the advantages of the horizontal window is less product is exposed to sunlight. This style pouch also offers more surface area for labeling, and design. Whereas, the advantage a kraft/clear style pouch is that combines the best of both worlds. It provides the appeal of natural kraft paper, but on the flip side the clear full view window. This feature tells the consumer that your brand is transparent, and obviously very proud of its ingredients and its product.



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