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Why I think roll stock is so effective in flexible packaging

Views: 9     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-07-31      Origin: Site

Lower costs —Depending on the volume produced, Roll stock film can reduce the cost of the packaging significantly because the form-fill-seal machine makes the bag in line and produces less waste.

Oxygen ingress — Pierce-at-first-use taps and fitments, such as we make here,  can be applied efficiently to the outside of a bag that is being created from rollstock to help block the entry of oxygen.

Faster speed — You can produce more packaging rollstock film per minute using roll stock on a form-fill-seal machine than you can compared to making preformed pouches.

Superior graphic reproduction — In this time when branding is so important, the vivid colors and clarity of rotogravure printing on roll stock film packaging just can’t be beat. It can help make your packages jump out to your customers’ eyes. 

Appropriateness to aseptic processing — Roll stock is particularly well suited toSoup for Asepticaseptic processing because this material can be sterilized more easily through a peroxide bath. You can’t sterilize a preformed laminating pouch film so easily because you can’t be sure that the sterilant is getting into the corners of the seals.

Roll stock film



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